
Maximilian R. Schlechtinger

A grasp of art

Art sets us apart, despite all looking
through rules and laws and glimpses
we lay here, silently weeping, soaking

Art is what makes a difference. There is no real need for Art in these modern times; there is a cry. In times when we slowly run out of legends, where all those greats and large souls disobey our silent cry for them to stay. Where a Ziggy Stardust decides to make for the Stars and where Metal dies and is celebrated in a Pub named after a Rainbow. In times where people try to apply art in politics and demand it to take part in society.Art is beauty. Beauty is design and Design is function. But next to no one asks wheter Art has still a funtction in these modern times. Back in the Times of great artists like Da Vincie or Dürer art was some kind of craftsmenship. They where paid to make and create. Today it is laughed at us if we demand money. Folks this is capitalism. Nothing in life is gifted, except death … and death costs your life.
Art links throughout itself using inspiration and the power of ideas. In Art we have the freedom to idealize and dream, to destroy and rebuild, all in all to be truly ourselves and but a mirror of our surroundings.We try to caputure a moment in our brief time under the sun and often doubt our ability to do such work. Everything flows, everything flies and yet art tends to stay. Except for Dorian Gray’s painting, Art always conserves beauty and even after centuries leaves us speechless, wordless, breathless.
Woven into countless forms of expression, Art and aesthetic perfection can be viewed trough many eyes, yet we always see but one. Our own self. Mirrored and given back by the piece of beauty we experience.
Art is difficult, because sometimes it is not recognised as such and sometimes it is to much displayed. Some art enfolds its magic in a subtle touch, other reaches out to our most inner depths, breaking all boundaries of our former known world.Art provokes and relaxes, gives and takes away, destroys and rebuild, but always lasts.And we can never neglect its existence.


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